With only a few regular Events remaining, the KBF State Tournament on Cumberland Lake, Conley Bottom ramp slated for Saturday, August 21st thru Sunday August 22nd, 2022, we are opening Online Registration so that all members can get registered early to avoid the rush. To see all members that are Qualified & to register/pay for State Tournament go to the 2022 KBF Tournament Schedule.
Permanent link to this article: https://kybassfed.com/kbf-state-tournament/
Attention: Statewide Bass Club Members
Beginning on Saturday April 23,2022, KY Statewide Bass Club has chosen 1 Tournament in each of the 8 Divisions. The Statewide Bass Club will award 1 Boater & 1 Co Angler an Invitation to the D-03 KY/TN National Semi Final Championship on Cumberland Lake, Conley Bottom ramp. Currently the Statewide Club has berths for 3 Bo’s/3Co’s and will receive additional berths as the membership increases throughout the year. The NSF berths will be awarded to the Top Sticks via of Total Events Fished, Total Points earned in the SELECTED 8 EVENTS shown on the Statewide Tournament Schedule will be used as the 1st Tiebreaker. Statewide members, view the posted schedule and all Tournaments that are shown with a PURPLE background /White numbers will receive Points to be calculated for the Berths. Most events fished of the 8 Selected events will win, ties will be determined by total points. The Statewide club was able to send 5 Bo’s & 5 Co’s last year. Keep in mind that to attend the NSF there MUST be an equal number of Bo’s & Co’s some boaters may have to consider switching to a Co or even vice versa.
On the KBF Best of 4 Events Fished Spreadsheet shows 9 Columns with a Purple background. The PURPLE column to the right of KBF member’s name with X indicates this member is a member of Statewide Bass Club, the remaining 8 PURPLE columns is the designated STATEWIDE BASS CLUB TOURNAMENT SCHEDULE FOR 2022
Permanent link to this article: https://kybassfed.com/attention-ky-statewide-bass-club-members/
Contact Info
Lots of calls asking for my mailing address and contact information
Donnie Keeton 212 Floyd Street Carrollton, KY 41008 Phone 859-760-5433
Permanent link to this article: https://kybassfed.com/contact-info/
Kentucky SAF Team Tournament Trail
Attention: From information given to me, KBF will not be running a Team Trail. Steve and I have created a Tournament Schedule to accommodate all Kentucky SAF Teams
We will need help from all SAF Members and Coaches. Currently we do not have contact information for lots of KY Schools. If your SAF Team plans to attend, PLEASE put your School and/or Coach in contact with myself, Donnie Keeton 859-760-5433,or Steve Caudill 606-776-5398 so we can have the contact information for each School & Team Coach.
Click here to View 2021/2022 SAF Schedule
Permanent link to this article: https://kybassfed.com/kentucky-saf-team-tournament-trail/